As a child, I was naturally drawn to older folks and possessed a genuine willingness and unexplainable desire to help them. Fast-forward 45 years, my passion for active aging, seniors, and the community has kicked into high gear. I created AgingFoward to share inspirational, informational, and universal aging content in an intergenerational space. Since 14, I have wanted to use my influence to establish a platform for community-sharing that embraces aging and motivates people to move life forward, and here it is.

Keeping Up With Dr.Katt
Following Dr. Katt on social media at Aging Forward is not about a singular journey-it is to help relate to the younger generations, provide resources to the senior community, and inspire and motivate those looking to grow and expand their lives in a real and raw way! Dr. Katt shows up authentically in everything she does. Her life and career achievements are just the tip of what is compelling to learn from Dr.Katt. Also, her vivid, magnetic personality, lessons, and life stories will keep you coming back for more...
“Often people attempt to live their lives backward; they try to have more things or more money to do more of what they want to be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are then do what you need to do in order to have what you want. ”
-Margaret Young
"Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been."
-David Bowie